National Collections

Each parish is part of the Church Universal; it is the Catholic Church in a particular place. The bishops of the United States created the national collections so that, by combining resources, we can more effectively carry out our mission as Catholics. Each of these important collections is worthy of your support. Each collection represents our community of faith at work in the world, spreading the Gospel and strengthening faith communities.

  • World Wide Evangelization Appeal (includes Latin America, Holy Land, Eastern Europe & Church in Africa)
  • Black and Indian Home Mission Collection
  • Catholic Relief Services (C.R.S.) (Rice Bowl)
  • Pontifical Holy Land Collection (optional)
  • Missionary Cooperative Appeal
  • Peter’s Pence
  • American Evangelization Appeal (Help Spread the Faith Appeal)
  • World Mission Sunday
  • Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)
  • Retired Religious