Knights of Columbus' tootisie roll drive benefits St. Louis Center

With the passing of former chairman Larry Kranick of the St. Louis Guanella Council of the Chelsea Knights of Columbus in January, the chairman’s duties fell on the shoulders of Frank Pignanelli, who dedicated this year’s well known Palm Sunday “tootsie roll” drive to Kranick’s memory. According to Pignanelli, “This year the Chelsea Community really stepped up, and we were 47.6% over last year’s totals. The weather was superb, and many more people came out to help us with collections. A total of $4,680 was raised this year, and sixty-three people came out to help with our collections from Friday through Sunday.”The annual Palm Sunday drive by the Michigan Knights of Columbus raises funds for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the state. The Chelsea Council dedicates their proceeds to St. Louis Center and the Chelsea Special Education program.