40 Days for Life Ann Arbor fall campaign enjoyed many blessings

The 40 Days for Life Ann Arbor Team would like to thank everyone who participated in the recent campaign, through prayer and fasting, community outreach and its prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood. More than 175 people participated in its Jericho marches, and more than 100 people attended its midpoint rally with Dr. Donna Harrison. It was able to cover all but two hours of its 480 hours commitment at the prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood, and those two hours were due to unavoidable situations. They also were able to pray and speak with several women about post abortive healing and had one known life saved.
Their next planning meeting will be Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. at Denny’s near Washtenaw and Huron Parkway. Everyone is welcome. The spring campaign will begin on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10 and will end on Palm Sunday, March 20. For more information, contact the Ann Arbor campaign director, Sandie Weathers at 734.657.1936 or email 40daysforlifeannarbor@gmail.com. Website: www.40daysforlife.com/annarbor.