Guanellian supporters flood St. Mary Church for centennial event

St. Mary Parish in Chelsea hosted a special 4:30 p.m. Mass and dinner to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the passing of St. Louis Guanella on Sept.19. The purpose of the Mass was twofold. It gave the followers of the local Guanellian Community an opportunity to celebrate the life and passing of St. Louis Guanella and 65 members of the laity made the “Guanellian Promise” after Mass – committing themselves to an authentic Christian life, paying attention to disabled persons in need, deepening the charism of St. Louis Guanella in their lives, and cooperating to support the Guanellian Family.Following the Mass, 200 guests of the Guanellian Family enjoyed a catered meal donated by Gina Pantely and the staff of the Chelsea Grill, and Father Joseph Rinaldo passed out certificates to the new cooperators who were present at the dinner.