Papal visit 2015


St. Luke N.E.W. Life Center vist to Washington, D.C. for papal visit
“We are grateful for the visibility that Pope Francis has brought to work similar to ours,” reads the mission statement for the trip, “To care for the poor and the underserved.”
The N.E.W. Life Center, started by Ss. Carol and Judy, is one of the first social enterprises in Michigan. Today the Center has 25 full-time employees working in various businesses: commercial sewing, landscaping, and a food pantry that serves more than 2,000 people each month. 

Capital Area Food Bank
The group spent Tuesday morning volunteering at the Capital area Food Bank, where they sorted food donations for distribution. The experience was a reminder to do what Pope Francis has been asking of people everywhere—to care for those in need of help.

ABC 12 came to the Capital Area Food Bank to report on
the N.E.W. Life Center's trip. Watch it here.


Holocaust Memorial Museum
In the afternoon they went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum. The experience was moving for everyone.


Papal Parade
The Pope arrived to Washington, D.C. Tuesday afternoon, but made his first public appearance Wednesday morning. After greeting President Barack Obama at the White House, there was a papal parade. The N.E.W. Life Center group was waiting along the parade route since 5 a.m., and saw Pope Francis there when he rode around the Ellipse in the pope mobile.



Address to Congress
The following day, the group had tickets to the west lawn of the Capital to watch via jumbotron the Pope’s address to the joint session of congress. He is the first pope to ever do so, although not the first to be invited.
His remarks (which can be read in full, here, aligned with the experience of the N.E.W. Life Center travelers, down to his reference of World War II when addressing the refugee crisis in the world today.
“Our world is facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War. This presents us with great challenges and many hard decisions. … We must not be taken aback by their numbers, but rather view them as persons, seeing their faces and listening to their stories, trying to respond as best we can to their situation. To respond in a way which is always humane, just and fraternal. We need to avoid a common temptation nowadays: to discard whatever proves troublesome. Let us remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Mt 7:12).”

What’s next
“From the messages of Pope Francis to the talks we had at our housing unit and our special Mass that united our group even further, it truly was a wonderful week and we are thankful to have been there,” says trip attendee Vicki Wharton. “Now to answer our call to action is the most important part.
Vicky and her husband John were not familiar with the N.E.W. Life Center when they signed up for the trip. “We were amazed at the good work they have done in Flint. We are anxious to visit New Life Center and hopefully we can join with them in making a difference for someone who is disadvantaged. Sr. Carol and Sr. Judy work so hard to accomplish improving lives of women and men.”
The St. Luke N.E.W. Life Center launched a GoFundMe campaign while Ss. Judy and Carol were away for the papal visit. The goal is to raise enough money to train 25 more people for skilled jobs.

In the news…………

Above, the group from the N.E.W. Life Center gathers outside of the lodging site for a photo. You can see more about their adventures on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram by searching for the hashtag #NEWLifePapalVIsit

Follow Pope Francis's visit to the USA, click here to view live streaming video of all of his stops and addresses

9 Ways to Participate in Pope Francis' US Visit
Hundreds of Thousands are expected to see Pope Francis when he visits the US. Even if you are not among those who will see the Holy Father in person, you can still make his visit a time of spiritual renewal and evangelization by following these suggestions < more >

In New York service, pope offers encouragement to men, women religious 

NEW YORK (CNS) -- During an evening prayer service at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, Pope Francis thanked the nation's priests, brothers and women religious for their service and gave particular thanks to women religious saying, "Where would the church be without you?"

The pope began with unscripted remarks, extending his sympathy to the Muslim community for the stampede in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, that killed more than 700 people that morning. He offered his "sentiments of closeness in face of tragedy" and his assurance of his prayers. "I unite myself with you," he added. < more >

Pope's words on immigration, bishops as pastors stand out at cathedral
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Pope Francis had much to say to the U.S. bishops during his remarks at a midday prayer service at St. Matthew Cathedral in Washington Sept. 23, the first full day of his U.S. apostolic journey. Because of that, different bishops could take away different things.
What resonated most for Bishop Daniel E. Flores of Brownsville, Texas, was the pope's remarks about immigration. < more >

Pope canonizes Junipero Serra, says faith is alive only when shared 

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Canonizing the 18th-century Spanish missionary, Blessed Junipero Serra, Pope Francis insisted a person's faith is alive only when it is shared.

Celebrating a late afternoon Mass outside the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Sept. 23, the pope declared the holiness of St. Junipero, founder of a string of missions in California. < more >

Playing for pope's arrival 'awesome,' say Catholic school band members

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. (CNS) -- Even the red carpet had a rehearsal for the pope's arrival.
As Washington waited for Pope Francis to arrive Sept. 22, the media took their places on the riser at Joint Base Andrews, an armed forces color guard practiced their welcome for the pope and the red carpet got a test roll-out. < more >

Pope calls for 'revolution of tenderness' in Cuba
SANTIAGO, Cuba (CNS) -- Pope Francis called Cubans to a "revolution of tenderness" as he celebrated Mass in the Minor Basilica of the Shrine of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, the country's patroness.
While only about 60 percent of Cubans are baptized Catholics, the little statue of Our Lady of Charity, discovered 400 years ago, is also a widely recognized symbol of Cuban identity and of strength despite struggle. < more > 

Holguin Catholics experience the unimaginable: papal Mass in public
HOLGUIN, Cuba (CNS) -- The scene would have been unimaginable a few years ago: A Catholic Mass in Holguin's Revolution Plaza, where May Day parades and other patriotic events exalting the Cuban Revolution take place.

But on Monday, thousands flocked to the public space, also known as the Plaza Calixto Garcia Iniguez, and exalted Christ and the Virgin of Charity, as the city hosted its first religious event in that plaza: a Mass celebrated by the head of the Catholic Church. < more > 

Jesus' love changes people, enables them to love others, pope says


HOLGUIN, Cuba (CNS) -- Celebrating the feast of St. Matthew, a day he considers a turning point in his own journey of faith, Pope Francis told thousands of Cubans that Jesus knows who they really are and calls them to walk with him.


Arriving in the eastern city of Holguin from Havana Sept. 21, the pope went directly to the city's Revolution Square for the feast day Mass. People had the day off work and off school so they could attend. < more > 

Pope urges Cuba's youths, consecrated people to love and hope
HAVANA (CNS) -- In a hot and steamy cathedral after listening to a Daughter of Charity talk about her work with people with severe disabilities, Pope Francis set aside his prepared homily and spoke about serving those the world considers "useless."
"Serving 'the useless' makes Jesus shine," the pope said at an evening prayer service Sept. 20 with religious, priests and seminarians gathered in Havana's cathedral. < more >