"Talking to People with Dementia" Thursday, May 21 at St Jude, DeWitt

Please plan to attend Learning About Dementia: “They’re still here: Talking to People with Dementia" 7:00pm, Thursday, May 21, at the Catholic Community of St. Jude parish center, 801 North Bridge Street, DeWitt, Michigan.  


The problems associated with caring for a loved one who has dementia can be overwhelming at times.  Throughout the various stages of the disease the person with dementia displays differing abilities to remember dates, words, names and how to do basic tasks.   It seems they lose their own personalities at times.  It can be very challenging for care givers and loved ones.  It helps to learn how to talk with people with dementia in order to understand a little of life from their point of view and how we can help them. 


Our presenter, Mary Mareck, is a licensed medical social worker who has a great deal of experience working with family members and patients who have dementia.  This program is open to anyone who is interested.  With our aging population everyone will encounter a family member or friend who has dementia at some time.  It is important to be able to have some conversation to maintain a relationship with the person.  This program can help you to be prepared to understand how to communicate with a person who has dementia successfully.