Holy Spirit Parish has a new school

Bishop Earl Boyea celebrated Mass and blessed the new school at Holy Spirit Parish, Brighton, on Jan. 10. The school opened after Christmas break with 65 students. The students attended Mass wearing their new red school uniform jackets. They sang their school song, which included: ‘To Our lord, Our Lady, Church and school Giving praise to God in all we do.”Bishop Boyea thanked the people gathered in the church for their contributions to the school project. After Mass Bishop Boyea blessed the statue of St. Philomena in the school, as it was her feast day.
Mrs. Anna Loewe, the school principal, said the school will educate children from pre-school through 8th grade. Loewe said, “This month we can talk about the virtue of gratitude. The building that was prepared for these youngsters is beautiful, warm and secure. We have replaced the modular rooms with six new classrooms, several meeting rooms and a parish life center.”
Father John Rocus, pastor of the parish, welcomed the students to their first day of school. “We look forward with hope and confidence that we will be able to attract more families to our little school,” he said.
The students, parents and staff of Holy Spirit Catholic School thanked those who contributed to the ‘Gift from You’ campaign and those who were responsible for the design and construction of the building.