Statement of Bishop Boyea regarding Father Ken Coughlin

Holy Family Parish has undergone a good amount of turmoil over these past months. Many may believe this has been an unjustified turmoil. However, I again thank those who fulfilled their responsibility in relaying their concerns to proper authorities. The system worked.  The Genesee County prosecutor’s office has completed its review of the allegations against Father Ken Coughlin, and has determined his behavior does not warrant the filing of criminal charges.  Thus it is important that his reputation in this regard is to be restored. We all know that is not an easy thing to do.  However, love and mercy must be the hallmark of all Christians.
However, in the course of this period, Fr. Coughlin has become ever more aware of his own personal struggles with celibacy. These struggles have resulted in some inappropriate behaviors with adult women.  Fr. Coughlin is very intent on dealing with this. 
Even, as Father Coughlin noted in his July statement to Holy Family parishioners, “ … as this investigation has progressed, it has become clear that some of my words and actions have upset some people in our parish.”  Since that time, Father Coughlin has been undergoing an assessment and treatment to address his embrace of celibacy and its proper expression. The treatment is ongoing and will help me decide on the best course for the future.  In the meantime, Father Coughlin will continue to be on temporary administrative leave.
Please keep Holy Family Parish and Fr. Coughlin in your prayers.
Yours in Christ,
+Earl Boyea
Bishop of Lansing