St. Louis Center's Father Guanella Hall dedication

St. Louis Center in Chelsea hosted a dedication Mass and ceremony on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, to bless the newly remodeled Father Guanella Hall for older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.Bishop Earl Boyea celebrated the Mass, followed by a blessing of the building and a ribbon cutting ceremony. Many state and local elected officials assisted with the ceremonies and guests were allowed to tour the new building following the speakers' program.
Father Enzo Addari, administrator of St. Louis Center, said, “Our vision is to provide a continuum of care for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities that goes beyond caring only for youth. We need to help them transition to adulthood and, as they age, transition into their senior years.”
The cost of the project was approximately $2 million and was raised entirely through private donations. For more information about St. Louis Center, please visit its website