Faithwalking retreat – a transformational journey

James Herrington and Trisha Taylor arrived at St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt from Houston, Texas, to present a Faithwalking retreat. After piloting this work with 30 congregations over five years in the Reformed Church in America, Faithwalking is now being done with pastors from a wide variety of denominational traditions in more than 100 congregations in the United States, Canada, Guatemala and Costa Rica.It was a day of high value with presentations, times of solitude and small group conversations, all designed to nurture the spirit as people considered their own journey of personal transformation.
Herrington shared, “We will give our word to restoration of the person. It might be in your neighborhood or in a school. There is a great commitment that comes to a married couple and to families when they keep this commitment to each other.”
They both shared the importance of acknowledging the problem, learning from the impact, offering a heartfelt apology and promising to keep your word.
What is not working in your life? Clean up your mess and listen to God. Spend some time in solitude reflecting on what you are hearing. Ask God to give you wisdom and insight to see your part in human systems that are not working and take the Faith walk.