Boundary tending and border crossing

Rev. Cheryl Burke served as facilitator for the Boundary Tending and Border Crossing program at St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt. Burke is an associate conference minister for the Michigan Conference United Church of Christ. This year the ethics question was "What is God calling you to do?"Patti Kenney is the program development trainer at the retreat center. At the first event, 50 people attended and at the second 25. The retreat center will hold these events three times a year.
Last year, Bishop Earl Boyea attended the summit meeting with others from different denominations. They discussed real issues in leadership and new challenges.
At the end of this event, Bishop Boyea asked those in attendance to be a support group for others. They all agreed to help the churches set aside their differences and be one family in God. The ministry of the churches must change in a changing world. The groups will share theological teachings about boundaries.