St. Mary's parish mission

The Redemptorist Parish Mission team of Father Greg Schmidt and Father Tony Judge traveled from Chicago to St. Mary Church in Adrian. Beth DeLine was chairperson for the four day mission.
During the mission, the priests met separately with those who spoke English or Spanish.  On the last day of the mission, they joined together for Mass with Father Shawn Lowery, pastor of St. Mary, to concelebrate their oneness in the Eucharist. The combined groups sang in both Spanish and English. One song they sang was Ven a la Cena de Cristo, Come to the Feast. Those attending the mission felt uplifted by the Holy Spirit and the shared fellowship of one another.
Father Schmidt said, “The Bible was the word of God and the cross showed how much Jesus loves us. The light of Christ is the candles. The altar is to remind us of our commitments to others and to God. We have to forget ourselves to find ourselves.”