Mom Prom helps to support Habitat for Humanity

Lynn Punnett, executive director for Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee County, met the guests arriving for the Mom Prom at Siena Heights' Benincasa Hall in Adrian. The fundraiser is a multigenerational ladies night out with friends, while helping Habitat build homes and communities.At last year’s fundraising event, $7,000 was raised. This year, they raised more than $18,000. Robin Hinman, resource development director for Habitat shared, “Women of all ages attend – some bring their mother and grandmother.” It draws women from a wide spectrum of backgrounds – with one goal – to help Habitat for Humanity.
On May 10, there will be a Habitat women’s build in Adrian – 75 percent of the volunteers will be women. Many of those attending the Mom Prom will be among those volunteers.
Attendees at this year’s Mom Prom said that Habitat was an organization that helped low income families improve their lives and that Habitat helped bring people together to make a difference – which are good reasons to support this organization.
If you are interested in volunteering for the women’s build project in Adrian, contact Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee at 517.265.6157.