Black History Month Life Speaker Series

Right to Life of Michigan’s Black History Month Life Speaker Series included a discussion at Eastern Michigan University titled, “The Abortion Controversy Continues – A Panel Discussion.”  It was co-sponsored by Catholics on Campus and Students for Life at Eastern Michigan University. This event provided an educational format for dialogue. Moderator Diane Brookins reminded the audience that Black History Month is for all people to understand how Black History and the history of our nation are not complete without each other. Those in attendance discussed the disproportionate number of abortions performed on black women every year in the United States. They also had the opportunity to hear from Suzanne Abdalla, director of the Catholic Urban Project, about her experience working with abortion-minded women when director of a crisis pregnancy center. Travon Clifton, producer of the radio broadcast “Equipped for Life,” shared her personal story of having been conceived in rape and Angela Little, president of Students for Life at Eastern Michigan University, shared her thoughts from a student’s perspective.      
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