Adrian Dominicans host "Come and See"

Amanda, who attended the “Come and See” weekend with the Dominican Sisters in Adrian, asked, “How do you know what God wants you to do?” Many people ask this question, but never actively discern whether God is leading them to the religious life. However, the sisters in Adrian offer that opportunity three times a year to women seeking to discover whether religious life is for them.Sister Dusty Farnan, OP, shared, “We have 770 women in our order. Our commitments are to prayer, community, study, ministry and preaching. How do we as a community keep the vitality of our mission? We do it through prayer and study.”
Dana, a guest from Jackson, said, “I am looking for opportunities. I am amazed at the strength of these women. They have traveled the world. They are not meek.”
Brenna, a guest from Ohio, remarked, “I had never met nuns before. There variety is incredible. They are strong women who express their love in so many different ways.”
Sister Barbara Kelly, OP, a writer for the congregation said, “I looked at other congregations, but I liked how the Adrian’s make use of your gifts – I was a preacher in Juneau, Alaska.”
For more information on vocations, contact Sister Carleen Maly, OP, at 517.266.3537 or