Marriage Matters of Jackson

Marriage Matters of Jackson hosted a Kiss Valentine’s Day dinner and dance at the Jackson Potter Center. Two hundred and fifty people enjoyed the beautifully decorated room and the delicious meal. One of the couples who attended had been married for more than 50 years.
 Todd and Amy Gale, from Queen of the Miraculous Medal Church in Jackson remarked that “It is a great date night. They have really good speakers and it is well organized.”
Tonya Redding, marketing director and member of St. Mary Star of the Sea in Jackson, shared, “We meet new friends and see people we have met through the years. People attend from all over.” Another parishioner from St. Mary Star of the Sea, Amy Pelletier said, “We work as a team to make this evening a great experience.”
Dan and Rachel Raglow, St. Mary on the Lake, Manitou Beach, parishioners said, “It is nice to have something for marriage. The evening was so much fun. We did a lot of dancing.”
For more information about the weekly Marriage Restoration workshops or special events, contact Shelby at 517.784.2430 or
By Jan Hoffbauer