Jackson Community Foundation awards grant

“Marriage Matters Jackson has been awarded a grant of $4,000 from the Jackson Community Foundation’s Unrestricted Community Needs Endowment Fund,” said Executive Director Shelby Raines. “This grant will help us continue to offer the free Monday night Marriage Restoration workshop.”                                                             “Although many of our workshops are for couples looking to enhance and strengthen their relationship, we also recognize many relationships go through rough times, which is why we offer the Marriage Restoration workshops,” explains Raines. “The grant from the Jackson Community Foundation will be instrumental in sustaining this program and will help us serve couples and save families from the pain of divorce.”
Marriage Restoration workshops are offered at no charge 48 weeks a year and have been a tremendous help to hundreds of couples in the community. The program gives hope to hurting couples and covers a new topic each week, such as how to fight fair, forgiveness and repair, understanding expectations, control issues and much more. Many couples needing a “turn-around” in their marriage find encouragement and answers by participating in these weekly forums.