Siena Heights’ first Collegiate Leadership Retreat

The first “Collegiate Leadership Retreat” in the diocese was held Jan. 19. The retreat included some 25 students from Sienna Heights, University of Michigan and Michigan State University. Father John Grace, Kelly Dunlop and Sister Dorothy Ederer, OP planned this retreat to help the students understand what real leadership is about: service, not power and control.Before the retreat, each student was asked to take the questionnaire in the book “Strengths Finder” by Tom Rath, a #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller. The students listed their top five strengths. In collecting their five strengths, the presenters were able to help the students see their strengths, as well as the strengths of others they will be working with in ministry.
The main topics were:
Vision – how do we respond to our baptismal call?
Mission – Jesus’ mission – our mission: As a servant leader, the way you serve the vision is by developing people so they can work on that vision even when you are not around. That was the power of Jesus’ leadership – the leaders He trained went on to change the world when He was no longer with them.
Impact – who impacted you? How did they do it? What was the result? What transformation, change or conversion took place?
Empowerment – All are called to empower others to be the best version of themselves.
We are all called to be leaders in some way, how we do that with the gifts and talents we have been given by God is up to us.