The conclusion of the year of faith and year of prayer and 100th anniversary of St. Mary Cathedral

On Dec. 9, 2013, Bishops Boyea, Mengeling and Murray concelebrated Mass to mark the closing of the Year of Faith, the diocesan Year of Prayer, and the 100th anniversary of St. Mary Cathedral. Other concelebrants included various priests from the Diocese of Lansing; deacons from the diocese assisted at the Mass. In the congregation were representatives of the Knights of Columbus, the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Peter Claver.At the offertory, significant documents from the history of the diocese and cathedral were presented: Bishop Boyea’s pastoral letter, the blueprints of the cathedral and the papal bull naming the diocese.   

The permanent St. Mary Church building was consecrated on Dec. 8, 1913, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, and became the cathedral for the newly formed Diocese of Lansing in 1937. A new parish center was built under the pastorate of Msgr. James A. Murray. It was dedicated by Bishop Kenneth J. Povish in July1995. On Jan. 27, 1998, Msgr. James A. Murray was ordained bishop for the Diocese of Kalamazoo and Msgr. Michael D. Murphy became rector of the Cathedral Parish.
On June 21, 2009, Holy Cross Parish in Lansing closed and merged with St. Mary Cathedral.   Effective July 1, 2009, Msgr. Murphy retired and Msgr. Bernard Reilly was named rector of St. Mary Cathedral.