Jackson Catholic Singles

Attorney Jennifer Lamp plans events at least once a month for the Jackson Catholic Singles.  It is open to singles, widows, widowers and divorced Catholics. It is not a dating group, but a way for singles to meet singles, ages 30 to 70.
Usually once a month, they go out to eat. During November, they ate at Klavon’s Pizzeria in Jackson with more than 20 people attending. During the summer, they gathered at the Ella Sharp Park in Jackson for patio parities with live music and food. Even though they did not stomp grapes, the group enjoyed watching those who did at the Harvestfest in Brooklyn and they traveled to Lansing for the Halloween Bash.
Lamp, a parishioner at Queen of the Miraculous Medal in Jackson, said she was raised Catholic, but left the Church during her teenage years. Getting involved with the RCIA program after her divorce has brought her back to her Catholic faith.
Lamp says, “It is not an intimidating group, but a very casual group. It is open to everyone and is a nice group of people to hang out with.”
By Jan Hoffbauer