Youth Jamboree

Around 700 teenagers and adults gathered at the Lansing Center for the annual Youth Jamboree.
Chairperson, Sue Parkers says, “My role is to find people with talents. What an amazing group of kids; they did intense planning.”
She went on to say, “We have amazing leadership in Pat Rinker and Margaret Grimm from the Diocesan office.  Pat is the most generous, faith filled man I have met.”
The key note speaker was ValLimar Jansen.  Her incredible voice filled the room whether speaking or singing. Her husband, Frank accompanied her on the piano.
ValLimar says, “We must first recognize we are created in the image of God.”
She asked everyone to touch their face and reminded them that they are made in God’s own image. Then she asked them to look at their hand and remember that they are rare, unique and special.
Scott and John Graham, St. Joseph, Adrian promised to pray for each other and joined the group singing Lean on Me. Grace Brenner, St. Patrick, Brighton, was impressed with the people in love with God.
Bishop Boyea concelebrated Mass.  Workshops, dancing, service projects, time for Reconciliation and adoration completed the day.

Jan Hoffbauer