SS. Cornelius and Cyprian celebrates 150th jubilee

Rev. Michael Petroski, pastor of SS. Cornelius and Cyprian Church, Leslie, is pleased to celebrate its 150th jubilee on Sept. 15. The church was built in 1863, suffered a fire in 1906 and was rebuilt in 1907. It is the oldest Catholic Church in Ingham County.
Father Mike has served the parish for the past ten years. He shared that Bishop Emeritus Carl Mengeling called him the “Happy Giant.” A parishioner says they call him “Our Gentle Giant.” Father Mike has been in the Lansing Diocese since the ‘70s.
Parishioners commented on how much the church means to them: Eileen Hunter says, “My grandfather helped build the church. We have five generations that attend here.”  Thomas Badall says, “I love the serenity of the place. It is a tiny parish community. Our four children were baptized and confirmed here.” His wife, Lori says, “It is a small parish, but it is big in spiritual compassion.”
A passage for the celebration expresses the church: We honor the past, cherish the present, and dream the future. By Jan Hoffbauer