St. Michael’s 170th anniversary

St. Michael Parish, Flint, celebrates its 170th anniversary Sept. 28 with Mass at 5 p.m. celebrated by Bishop Boyea. There will be a dinner and a silent/live auction following Mass.
Deacon Michael Dear, who has been at the parish for two years and is responsible for managing the parish during the week, says, “We are not closing. We need to let people know we are here. There are parishioners who have been here for 50 years. …The parish is a giving parish. It has a great sense of community. We care about each other. We are the true Catholic Church.”
Dear, who was ordained in 2007, shared that the parish with the help of other churches feeds 150 people every Saturday. He says, “We do what we can because God is first and family second.”

By Jan Hoffbauer