Way of the cross for victims of abortion

Deacon Larry Randolph, Christ the King Parish in Ann Arbor, led a “Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion” on Good Friday morning. The event was planned by Sandie Weathers, Pro-Life Action League member, and took place outside of the Planned Parenthood building.
Sandie says that it was a blessing to see so many people that understood that we share in Jesus’ suffering on his cross. Deacon Randolph added, “I always have had it in my heart for the pro-life movement. I try to support them by being available for the feast of the Triduum.”
Parents with children in strollers, grade school children, young adults and senior citizens gathered to participate in the event. Michael Dilaura held the cross and his parents, Tim and Michelle, parishioners at Christ the King, stood across the street giving out pro-life literature.  During the 40 days of Lent, Michelle was there two or three times each week. Professor Alice Jo Rainville, student advisor for the Students for Life, from Eastern Michigan University, also shared literature about future events.