Bishop of Lansing celebrates Guanellian anniversary with Servants of Charity

Feb. 24 at St. Mary Church in Chelsea, Bishop Earl Boyea, Father William Turner, pastor, and priests from St. Louis Center concelebrated at 10 a.m. Mass in celebration of the 100th anniversary of St. Louis Guanella’s visit to the United States. Of the 400 attending the Mass, there were forty St. Louis residents and staff members and many families from the St. Louis Guanella Council of the Knights of Columbus.
At the end of Mass, Father Joseph Rinaldo, administrator of St. Louis Center, presented Bishop Boyea with a gift of a relic of St. Louis Guanella in a new reliquary. The relic is a bone fragment of St. Guanella, which according to Catholic teaching is worthy of veneration by the faithful.
After Mass, there was an Italian breakfast, a short film about the life of St. Guanella, State Deputy Michael Malinowski of the Michigan Knights of Columbus spoke of the importance of caring for persons with developmental disabilities and Bishop Boyea gave a final blessing to everyone.