Finding Christ aboard a Navy warship

The enormous CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter lifted off the flight deck in front of Deacon John Amthor, St. Joseph Shrine, Brooklyn. Piloting the aircraft was his son, Captain Justin. Filming the trip was another son, Aaron. John proudly listened from the control tower of the USS Boxer – an amphibious assault carrier.
Aaron and John were among the guests of the U.S. Navy on a “Tiger Cruise.”  They boarded the Boxer in Pearl Harbor and sailed to its home port in San Diego. Bishop Boyea had provided his “Letter of Testimonial of Suitability” to the Archdiocese of the Military Services.     
Deacon John Amthor said, “I found Christ amid a Navy warship.” He told of the unselfish sacrifice of the Marines and Sailors aboard the Boxer defending freedom and their humble service to make the world a better place to live, regarding others as more important than themselves, was a shining example of what it means to be a servant leader, what it means to be Christ to others.

Jan Hoffbauer