St. Paul School has unusual fundraiser

The blessed Mother rode on a donkey into Bethlehem, Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and on Feb. 1 St. Paul School in Owosso rode on donkeys to play basketball. The event was held to raise money for IPads for the school.  It was the first time in more than 45 years that donkey basketball was played at the school. There were four teams consisting of teachers, staff members, parents and alumni.   The teams each had eight members and only four members from each team could play during a game, which lasted nine minutes. 
Donkeys can be stubborn animals and they lived up to their reputation. There were donkeys that refused to move, wouldn’t go in the direction the rider wanted and even bucked riders off.
Approximately 400 spectators had a great time watching the event, which raised about $1,500.  Even though sore muscles were felt the next day, it was wonderful to see so many people come together and enjoy themselves.