Hollywood auction continues to help freeze Catholic school’s tuition

When you talk about education in Genesee County – one school continues to grow – St. Pius X Catholic School in Flint. Six years ago, at a local coffee shop, some moms got together with an idea. They wanted to have an auction to raise money for their school because the school was struggling financially. The moms set-off to begin their quest and 6 years later they are hosting their sixth Hooray for Hollywood Auction.The auction has raised more than $150,000 in the last five years and this year’s event is sure to be the biggest. The school has grown from 132 children in the summer of 2008 to more than 200 today.
The school’s increase in both student enrollment, as well as fundraising revenues, has helped to freeze tuition prices at the school. Tuition has remained the same for eight years. The parents and school administration have a close relationship and work together to make this school the best it can be. The Hollywood Auction coupled with some aggressive enrollment management, as well as financial initiatives by the principal, R.J. Kaplan, has enabled the school to grow in programs and become more fiscally sound.
If you would like to attend this year’s Hooray for Hollywood Auction, it is March 2 in the community room at St. Pius X Catholic School at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are going on sale soon. For information, call  810.736.6551 or www.spxparish.com.