Stand up rally

by Jan HoffbauerPro-Life Action Network is joining 112 other cities in 39 states throughout the country on Oct. 20 for a stand up rally. The Ann Arbor event will be at Concordia University, 4090 Geddes.
Dr. Monica Miller, Ph.D. and Co-director Eric Scheidler, for Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, encourage you to join with other committed individuals to help rescind the HHS Mandate. The peaceful rally will include speakers Ron Edwards, Pastor Charles Schulz and Cynthia Kallgren, candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for the 12th Congressional District in Michigan. The noon until 1:30 p.m. rally also will include prayers and hymns.
Dr. Miller stated that, “This is a way to continue to educate people about the HHS Mandate and get them ready for the election. … This affects us as Catholics. This is a way to get on the street and show public pressure to oppose this mandate.”
The event will be 17 days prior to the election to help voters to form a moral conscious about voting pro-life.