Have a look at the video below. Have you watched it before? Perhaps you have. Perhaps you haven't. Back in 2022, the global Catholic media network, EWTN, profiled the town of Westphalia, Michigan, as part of their series, Living Divine Mercy. It's worth a watch.
The town of Westphalia has deep Catholic roots going back to 1836 when the town's first settlers arrived in New York aboard the Leontine after a long sea journey which began in the port of Bremen in Germany.
By the grace of God, the parish of Saint Mary in Westphalia continues to proclaim the person of Jesus Christ and His Holy Church to the present-day populous of the town.
In that regard, please do pray for the clergy of the parish, Father Eric Weber and Father Peter Lawrence, as well as for their parish staff, volunteers, parish school, and all the families and other parishioners who make up Saint Mary's parish.
Oh, as for the name of the EWTN mini-documentary? "A Town You Didn't Know Existed". Ha! Well, we know Westphalia exists but it's good to know that the rest of the country is finally catching up. Deo gratias!