Watch: On the Path to the Priesthood | James Bonar

Meet Diocese of Lansing seminarian, James Bonar. 23-year-old James says he “felt a gentle call” to the sacred priesthood a during his high school years but “promptly pushed that aside”.

That gentle call returned, however, while studying Engineering at Michigan Tech in Houghton where he “came to know the Lord better” through the positive influence of the university parish, St Albert the Great.

“During a FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students’) conference I kind of felt strongly that Lord was calling me towards a place of surrender my will, my life,” recalls James who hails from the parish of Christ the King in Ann Arbor.

“At that point, I was pretty confident He was calling me, at least, to the direction of seminary and the priesthood and since then I have taken the steps, finishing my degree, and then moving towards the application process and, so, here I am today!”

Hence James is now a student at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Please keep James in your prayers in the months and years to come. Saint Charles Borromeo, patron of seminarians, pray for him.

• Do you also feel that Almighty God may be to the Sacred Priesthood? Contact Father John Whitlock, Director of Seminarians for the Diocese of Lansing on 517-342-2507 or at