Meet Diocese of Lansing seminarian, Brett Ivey. 23-year-old Brett hails from the parish of Saint Mary in Williamston and studies at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit on his path to priesthood. Deo volente.
Growing up, Brett's family were involved in the charismatic Work of Christ Community in East Lansing which Brett describes as having "a profoundly positive impact on my experience of the Faith growing up".
"I had a plethora of exemplary men and women witnessing the Faith to me, in the Church and in the Work of Christ Community, throughout my childhood and, as a result, I knew from early on that Jesus Christ should be the center of my life," says Brett.
By the time he entered middle school, however, he says his life had become "divided between the Faith and the World". How did that resolve itself? Watch and find out.
In the meantime, please keep Brett in your prayers in the months and years to come. Saint Charles Borromeo, patron of seminarians, pray for him.
• Do you also feel that Almighty God may be to the Sacred Priesthood? Contact Father John Whitlock, Director of Seminarians for the Diocese of Lansing on 517-342-2507 or at jwhitlock@dioceseoflansing.org