This is superb! Watch as the children of Saint Thomas Aquinas School in East Lansing celebrate All Saints' Day 2024 with much fervor, faith, and fun!
All Saints’ Day commemorates all those who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. It precedes All Souls’ Day on November 2, which specifically commemorates the departed faithful who have not yet been purified and reached Heaven.
The Catholic Church celebrates All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day in the fundamental belief that there is a prayerful spiritual communion between those in a state of grace who have died and are now in Heaven, the Church Triumphant; those in a state of grace who have died but are being purified in Purgatory, the Church Penitent; and those of us still working out our salvation here on earth, the Church Militant. Have a very happy feast day! Enjoy the film!