Bethlehem came to the heart of Williamston on Saturday night as the parishioners of Saint Mary parish participated in the town’s annual Winter Wonderland Light Parade, December 7.
“Our church wanted to bring the light of Christ to the celebration of all the lights of the season and, so, since 2019 we have put a float in the parade with the Nativity on it – for us, it's a beautiful evangelistic event,” explained the parish’s Director of Discipleship and Evangelization, Christy Whiting.
Saint Mary’s luminous float featured the Holy Family surrounded by the shepherds of Bethlehem, the Magi from the East, and the angels from on high, and all depicted by the children of the parish.
Meanwhile, the adults of the parish handed out candles tied to little cards to all those watching the Holy Family pass by, each accompanied by a warm invitation to join them back at Saint Mary church.
“Even as the days are getting darker, colder, we know that there is a true light, a light that does not fade,” said pastor, Father David Fons, to the 400 or so people who accepted the invitation to visit Saint Mary after the light parade. Of that number, it’s estimated that about half were not, at present, Catholic.
Both parishioners and guests were treated to hot chocolate, fresh-baked cookies and carol singing. They were also given an opportunity to light their candle, write down their prayer intention, and deposit it in an empty manger situated in front of the altar before being afforded a moment to spend some time in quiet prayer.
For more information on Saint Mary parish, go to: https://stmarywilliamston.org/