"Which person or persons in your life have inspired you most on your journey towards the priesthood and why?" That's the big question asked in this short video to Diocese of Lansing seminarian, Randy Koenigsknecht, who is presently studying at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit.
Randy hails from the parish of Most Holy Trinity in Fowler. His older brothers, Gary and Todd, were ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Lansing in 2014. Meanwhile his uncle, Father Bill Koenigsknecht, is a senior priest of the diocese.
Please keep Randy and all the seminarians for the Diocese of Lansing in your prayers. St. Charles Borromeo, patron of seminarians, pray for them!
• Do you also feel God is calling to the sacred priesthood? Contact Father John Whitlock, Director of Seminarians for the Diocese of Lansing on 517-342-2507 or at jwhitlock@dioceseoflansing.org