Wall of Hunger

Students from Sacred Heart in Hudson and St. Mary on the Lake in Manitou Beach joined forces to raise awareness of hunger in their community. They were inside Bob’s Market House in Hudson asking people to help feed the hungry in Lenawee and Hillsdale Counties.
The students were a “Wall of Hunger” surrounded by boxed and canned food and other products that shoppers could purchase for the food pantry at St. Mary on the Lake. Grace Halliwill, a Sacred Heart student, shared why she was there. “I am here to help those in need – it's a good cause.”
Jen Loar was in charge of the program and had ten students who were part of the wall also packing groceries for customers. Pam Faust and Pat Haag, coordinators of the Food Pantry, said they were there to support Jen. Hag remarked that they appreciate Jen's efforts to get the youth of both parishes involved.