The good stewardship of financial resources is a vital component of helping parishes to evangelize their local communities – that was a key message at this year’s "Dinner with the Bishop" gathering of parish finance council chairs drawn from across the Diocese of Lansing, 17 September.
“It is good financial stewardship that makes possible much of the apostolic work that our parishes pursue all across our 10 county diocese,” said George Landolt, Chief Financial Officer for the Diocese of Lansing, following the event.
“That’s why Bishop Boyea was so keen to thank the chairmen and chairwomen of our parish finance councils for the quiet, faithful, and often unnoticed work that they undertake on behalf of the Good Lord and his Holy Church.”
The evening event was held in St Mary Cathedral Parish Hall in Lansing. Following grace and a buffet dinner, those assembled were given short presentations on various germane issues from a range of diocesan officials: John Madigan, President of the Catholic Foundation; Will Bloomfield, General Counsel; Tom Maloney as Superintendent of Catholic Schools; Father Mathias Thelen, Chairman of the Realigning Resources to Mission Committee; Deb Amato, Chief of Staff; and concluding with a question-and-answer session with Bishop Boyea himself.
“Thank you to all those who attended, all those who gave presentations, and all those members of staff who worked so hard to make tonight happen – I think it was a very worthwhile , very enjoyable event,” said George.
Appropriately the evening concluded with prayer, led by the bishop. The next such gathering of Diocese of Lansing finance council chairs will take place in 2021.