St. Vincent Catholic Charities has a new director of development

Cindy Herfindahl joined St. Vincent Catholic Charities (STVCC) in November as its new director of development. After 28 years working in higher education development at Michigan State University, Cindy wanted to change her focus to working with a non-profit. Her goal was to work in an organization that helps children and families. STVCC fit this goal perfectly.In her new role, Cindy will help strengthen St. Vincent Catholic Charities development efforts through cultivating stronger community partnerships. Cindy has vast international experience, having lived in Chile and Ecuador. Her travels have taken her to several continents, most recently to South Africa. She speaks Spanish and looks forward to opportunities to use this language in her work.
Cindy is a graduate of Michigan State University as is her husband John Melcher and son Austin (MSU 2011). Her daughter Annie is a senior at MSU. She enjoys gardening, travel and the occasional 'good book.'