Sisters of Life

Two Ann Arbor residents professed vows for the Sisters of Life on Aug. 6, the feast of the Transfiguration. Archbishop Samuel Aquila presided at the Mass when the sisters joined the contemplative order with other sisters.
Sister Marita dela Fuente, 35, attended Christ the King Parish, Ann Arbor, and professed her perpetual vows. And Sister Maria Regina Immaculata Williams, who attended St. Francis of Assisi, Ann Arbor, made her first vows.
Sister Marita will attend the Institute of Psychological Sciences in Washington, D.C. She will work toward a master’s degree in psychology grounded in a Catholic-Christian view of the human person.
Sister Maria will serve in a mission at the Sacred Heart of Jesus convent in Manhattan. This Holy Respite is where pregnant women live with the sisters. After giving birth, the women are invited to remain at Sacred Heart for up to eight months for the new beginning of their child.
According to Sister Talitha Guadalupe, S.V., the Sisters of Life order was founded in 1991. The Motherhouse is in Suffern, New York. There are currently 70 sisters serving around the United States. By Jan Hoffbauer