Sight Impaired/Blind Retreat

The St. Louis Center in Chelsea hosted the Diocese of Lansing’s annual retreat for the sight impaired and blind April 6. Dr. Richard Strife a psychologist for the diocesan tribunal was a guest speaker. He talked about the importance of being courteous, treating others as Christ. He reminded people that everyone is a child of God and made in the image and likeness of God.Those attending the retreat enjoy a day of spiritual growth and a time to gather in communion with others. Michael, a parishioner from the Church of the Resurrection in Lansing said he had made a commitment to be a greeter at church. He learned that love means making a commitment to Jesus and remarked, “I play the piano at Sparrow Hospital. People’s lives are being changed by what I do.”
For more information about upcoming events and programs for persons with disabilities, contact the Department of Catholic Charities at 517.342.2465.          

by Jan Hoffbauer