Sacred Heart School’s Daddy Daughter Dance

Sacred Heart School’s parent group in Hudson hosted a Daddy Daughter Dance the first Saturday in March. Dianna Marry was in charge of the event in which almost 40 girls attended with their fathers.
Marry said, “The group was formed in 1997 to bring the Sacred Heart School families together and to share our spiritual life.”
Two Sacred Heart students, Elizabeth 5, and Abigail 6, brought their father, Chuck Gottschall to the dance. They attended the previous year. Gottschall who has seven children said it was nice to be able to do something special with his daughters.
Judy Schutte who is both a parent and a second/third grade teacher said, “This is the 10th year in a row that one of our girls attended.”
The daughters and their dads enjoyed dancing the night away or at least until 9 p.m. when the event ended.