Teacher Britney Becht looks very happy. That’s because she is very happy! In the past few years Britney has both converted to Catholicism and switched from teaching in public schools to teaching the 6th grade at Saint Gerard School in Lansing. Why did she make the move into Catholic education? Britney explains:
“After wrestling with the idea of becoming Catholic for years, I decided to join the RCIA program at Saint Gerard in 2021. I was teaching at a public school at the time, but when I saw a 6th grade opening for the same school my own children attended, I just felt like God was trying to tell me something. So, I made the leap, left my comfort zone at a public school and started working at Saint Gerard in the fall of 2021.”
“I could not be happier with my decision to work at Saint Gerard. They say the people you work with make the difference and that couldn’t be any truer for me. I hit the jackpot when it comes to teaching partners and I have not met a staff member at Saint Gerard that is not willing to help, support, laugh, or cry with me when I have needed it. Additionally, the students and their families have been kind, helpful and supportive as I have made my own conversion to Catholicism.”
* Do you also feel that God is calling you to teach at a Catholic school within the Diocese of Lansing? Text TeachDOL to 84576 to find out about current vacancies.