Young Krystin Nelligan from Saint Joseph Parish in Dexter says that prayerfully participating in the Holy Mass sustains and strengthens her on the path to holiness and, thus, happiness in three key ways.
“Being able to experience the Body and Blood of Christ is truly outstanding. Being able to experience that has made Mass just so much more meaningful," says Krystin who is a recent graduate of Dexter High School.
"Mass also helps to strengthen my faith by exposing me to the readings of the Bible and to other faith-filled people.”
Krystin is featured in this month’s FAITH Magazine, the official publication of the Diocese of Lansing. She explains the centrality of Jesus Christ and his Holy Church in her life to FAITH’s Sue Parker.
“I wish others knew that being Catholic is so rewarding. This faith is the core of who I am, and I am so thankful for it,” says Krystin who is now attending Washtenaw Community College. She also volunteers at Saint Joseph as a lector and helps with parish service projects.
“My parish has helped my family through tough times and continues to do so. Being able to help people the way our parish does and the generosity of the people within the parish is outstanding. I can’t stop helping – I am so grateful for the support.”
“I have learned that everyone … has difficult times, that you are never alone, and to seek help. I have learned that if you just trust in God, he will take care of you.”
To read more, go to: https://faithmag.com/krystin-being-catholic-so-rewarding