Read: Welcome to the Month of Saint Joseph w/ Father Gary Koenigsknecht

Welcome to March! This is the month during which the Church traditionally venerates Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, foster father of Jesus, and patron of the Universal Church. But why venerate Saint Joseph? Here to explain is Father Gary Koenigsknecht, below, Pastor of Saint Joseph Parish in Howell. Father Gary writes:

“March is one of those interesting months in Michigan when it is not quite winter and not quite spring. The world is quietly beginning to wake as it patiently receives the longer days and increasing warmth.”

“I think of that providential timing with March being the month of Saint Joseph because Saint Joseph lived in that beautiful time of receiving the promise of Christ, but not seeing the complete fulfillment unfold. He too was patient, quietly receiving the will of God as he cared for Jesus and Mary.”

“As a parish dedicated to Saint Joseph, we are ever grateful for Saint Joseph's guiding hand to help us love and respond to Jesus like he did. We pray to begin our meetings as a staff, finance council, and parish council: ‘Heavenly Father, you called Saint Joseph in his time to help bring Jesus to the world. Now, you are calling us as members and ministers of Saint Joseph parish to help others encounter Jesus and to walk with them on that journey’.”

“We are grateful that Jesus blessed us with His foster father to be our patron!”