Welcome to May, the month of Mary. Ave Maria! The bishops of the United States unanimously chose the Blessed Virgin Mary as patroness of our country, on 13 May 1846.
Mary also became patroness of the Diocese of Lansing upon its creation in 1937. The diocesan motto is "Iuxta Crucem Iesu" which is taken from Saint John’s account of the Crucifixion: “Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen.” (John 19:25)
“The motto chosen by Bishop Boyea re-consecrates our diocese to the maternal care of our patroness, the Immaculate Virgin Mary,” explained Michael Andrews, Chancellor of the Diocese of Lansing, upon the unveiling of the motto in 2020.
“It is taken from the Gospel according to John. The Blessed Mother stands near the Lord’s Cross: the great sign of our redemption. It was there that the Lord gave Mary to us – his beloved disciples – to be our Mother, too. She stands near each believer through every joy and every cross we experience.”
Holy Mary, Patroness of the Diocese of Lansing, pray for us!