Welcome to Day 6 of National Vocations Awareness Week. Today we meet Jim Collom, pictured center above, who is currently on the path to the permanent diaconate, Deo volente. Here’s how Jim explains his call from God:
“My name is Jim Collom and I am one of eleven candidates for the permanent diaconate for the Diocese of Lansing. My wife Lynn and I, along with our children, are parishioners at St. Martha in Okemos. I am employed as a statistician, working with a small group of great people analyzing data and producing statistics on crops and livestock for the Federal government.”
“God’s calling me to the diaconate was quiet but persistent. No matter how much I sought to distract myself with other things, the Lord continued to speak to my heart, calling me to Himself. It was only after receiving the support of my (very encouraging and loving) wife and pastor that I abandoned myself to God’s providence and contacted the director of deacon formation.”
“The path thus far has been filled with many graces and blessings. In my four years of active formation to date, I have received an excellent education and God has graced me with incredible experiences, placed truly holy people in my path and allowed me to experience a peace that I wouldn’t have found without this journey. I would encourage any man who believes he has a calling to the diaconate to speak to his wife and his pastor and explore what God may be calling him to.”
“Should it be God’s will, I will be ordained in May 2023. I ask that you pray for me and my brother candidates as we continue on our way to make Christ the Servant present in a particular way in our world.”
Please do keep Jim, his family, and all the other candidates for the permanent diaconate in your prayers. Saint Stephen, deacon and martyr, pray for them.