The good ladies of Saint John’s Knitting Ministry in Howell are bringing the warmth of the Christ’s love to those who need it most…quite literally. That’s because over the past months they have been knitting scarves which are then deposited on the town’s lamp posts, street signs, and elsewhere, for any needy person to take and wear.
“If one of our scarves helps someone feel warm, loved, happy, or comforted then we have passed Jesus' love on to that person,” says Wendi Burke who is both Director of Faith Formation at Saint John the Baptist and a founder of the parish Knitting Ministry.
“I am constantly trying to find things, even a simple scarf offered freely, that brings a seeker to our parish. We will welcome them with open arms, God's love and forgiveness and maybe even a new scarf.”
The Saint John Knitting Ministry was established last year. Every other Tuesday, from September to April, anywhere between two to seven women attend the meetings in order to pray, chat and, of course, knit. Much of the knitting is continued at home. Since early January, the group has made over 100 scarves which Wendi and her husband, Dan, then take on a nighttime delivery run.
“Then when people are driving, shopping, etc. the next morning, they are greeted with a variety of bright scarves hanging from lamp posts, parking signs, etc.” explains Wendi.
Each scarf has a note attached which reads, "I am not lost. If you're cold, take me and keep me. Made with love by the St. John Catholic Church Knitting Ministry".
“By putting the little note on the scarf, the people know that Saint John is a Catholic church in Howell that cares,” hopes Wendi, “they know that Catholics DO things to help others.”
“Perhaps people will also take a minute to Google our church, our faith, this evangelization project and just maybe they'll come through the church doors to learn more about us.”
While keen to serve the homeless of Howell, Wendi stresses that the scarves are for all who are in need.
“For example, the student who is walking home from school and is cold because they have forgotten or lost a scarf and would need a new scarf to ward off the cold,” says Wendi, “We want people to know that anyone who wants one of the scarves is very welcome to take it.”
The reaction to the Saint John’s scarves from the local community – and local media – has been enthusiastic. So much so that Wendi and her team of knitters feel inspired to repeat their work of mercy next year, the warmth of Christ continued into another Michigan winter.
• To know more about the Saint John Knitting Ministry, contact Wendi Burke, Director of Faith Formation at wburke@stjohnhowell.com.
• Image above from WHMI