Read: Retired attorney and Catholic writer, Randy Patrides, wins top Catholic legal award

Congratulations to retired attorney Randy Petrides, pictured above left, who is the winner of the 2024 Saint Thomas More Award from the Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Diocese of Lansing for his personal and professional witness over many decades to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church as a lawyer, writer, husband, father and grandfather.

“I was profoundly honored to receive this award,” said Randy, October 10, “Saint Thomas More was my patron saint as a lawyer and I have great admiration for his faith, his courage, and his integrity. And the Lansing Catholic Lawyers Guild embraces More’s values. That they thought of me is humbling and a blessing.”

Randy Petrides is a parishioner at Holy Family in Grand Blanc. He spent 38 years as a trial lawyer and administrator in the Genesee County Prosecutor’s Office. Upon retirement in 2017, he transitioned into Catholic Theology and writing, with an emphasis on Church history and the saints. His book, “How the Saints Shaped History”, is published by Our Sunday Visitor Press. At a personal level, Randy has been married to Elizabeth for 43 years; has 5 grown children; and 16 grandchildren. Deo gratias.

Randy received his honor at an award ceremony following the 39th annual Red Mass at Saint Mary Cathedral, October 8. For nearly nine centuries, the celebration of the Red Mass has invoked the blessing of the Holy Spirit upon the work of the courts at the beginning of a new term. The principal celebrant at this year’s Mass was Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing.

“The Red Mass is special,” says Randy, “Not many professions besides law have a tradition that provides an opportunity for Catholics to make a spiritual commitment for the year and to reflect on what we do from the perspective of our faith.”

“And the Red Mass is an opportunity to ask for God’s guidance and strength that we can serve well as lawyers in the coming year, and to seek Saint Thomas More’s intercession.”

Saint Thomas More was a 16th century English statesman who forfeited high office, and ultimately his life, as Chancellor to King Henry VIII in order to uphold the truth of marriage and defend the Church’s divine foundation in the face of the monarch’s break with Rome in pursuit of canonical approval for his adulterous relationship with Anne Boleyn. Saint Thomas was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1935.

* Also pictured presenting Mr. Patrides with his awards is William Bloomfield, President of the Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Diocese of Lansing.