Welcome to Advent! This is a season of preparation: Preparation for the return of Christ at the consummation of time; at the conclusion of our own earthly pilgrimage; and for his birth in Bethlehem at Christmas.
In the latest edition of FAITH Magazine, popular Catholic speaker and writer, Pete Burak, challenges us to pray daily during Advent.
"Imagine our lives if, every day during Advent, we set aside time to be with the Lord and we consciously noticed him throughout the day," writes Pete.
"Instead of relying only on standard moments of prayer (grace before meals, Sunday Mass, etc.), what if we dedicated time each day to conversation with him and intentionally recognized his presence in the million little moments throughout our daily schedules?"
To read all that Pete has to say click here: https://faithmag.com/dont-wait-be-holy-start-praying
* Pete Burak is the director of i.d., the young adult outreach of Renewal Ministries. He has a master’s degree in theology and is a frequent speaker on evangelization and discipleship.