Here are some great images, above and below, of Diocese of Lansing seminarian, Jacob Derry, being installed as an Acolyte in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at the Pontifical North American College, Rome, March 3, Third Sunday of Lent.
“I am filled with joy by receiving the ministry of acolyte. It is a gift!” said Jacob in the wake of the sacred ceremony which was presided over by Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia O.P., Adjunct Secretary of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.
“The liturgical rite itself was simple: I knelt before the presiding archbishop and opened my hands. He, in turn, placed into my hands the paten with hosts that would later be consecrated at the altar. This gesture characterizes my journey towards the priesthood and the life of faith for all of us.”
“I kneel before God and open my hands to Him, inviting Him to do as He wills. The Lord always blesses the open heart. He fills my hands with His gifts, most especially the gift of His presence shared in love, through the Church. I am humbled and grateful that the Church trusts me with this ministry and that Jesus invites me to join Him at the table of this sacred banquet. Please continue to pray for me.”
Jacob, who hails from the parish of St John the Evangelist in Fenton, was installed along with 24 fellow seminarians from the Pontifical North American College. Founded in 1859 by Blessed Pius IX, the College has formed over 5000 priests for service in dioceses around the United States and, in more recent times, Australia too.
Meanwhile, the job of an acolyte is primarily associated with assisting the priest and deacon during Holy Mass, however they will also bring the Blessed Sacrament to the sick and housebound as well as distributing Holy Communion during Mass. Acolytes may also, under the guidance of the priest, present instruction to the faithful. They may also expose the Blessed Sacrament.
• Do you feel that Almighty God may be calling you to the Sacred Priesthood? Contact Father Mike Cassar, Director of Seminarians for the Diocese of Lansing at mcassar@dioceseoflansing.org